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  • annayoung74

Surviving Covid

When Covid hit, everything changed for everyone. No one could leave their house, go to work or see family and friends. It was a difficult time period and it was frustrating not knowing when this virus would end. I was senior in high school when this happened and the only way I could see my friends was by backing up my car in a parking lot and talking from a distance. I was frustrated with how everything was being handled and I was ready to go back to my life. Not only did I feel this way, but the rest of the world did too. But, little did I realize things would never go back the same entirely. When restrictions got lifted, it was liberating. I was thrilled to know that I could eat at restaurant and spend the night with my friends. However, talking to people in general gave me anxiety. I had been so accustomed to not being around people and it was uncomfortable to live life. I was struggling immensely with creating new connections with people. I was a freshman in college and I felt like an outsider. Although I had friends that I went to school with attending the same university, it was challenging trying to make small talk with new people. I never thought making new connections would be a problem in my life, but unfortunately it was. It took me a few months to slowly feel comfortable talking to strangers. I never imagined after the restrictions being lifted that I would struggle with not only connections but my identity. Covid is the reason I believe that everyone needs genuine connections in their life in order to fill happiness. I wouldn’t have survived Covid without my prior friendships. They were a huge support system for me and I will forever be internally grateful. Everyone needs to have a space whether they feel heard and accepted, and Covid taking somewhat of that away means it’s time to develop this environment. 

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