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  • annayoung74

Being Real Online

Authenticity gets lost when digital landscape is compacted with validation. I’m a firm believer in promoting authenticity from honesty and human connection. Authenticity is crucial because it’s the foundation for all relationships, whether there online or offline. When we present ourselves as we are, this is creating a place for others to do the same. We live in a world where there are many superficial interactions, and it’s rare for someone to act the same in person as online. Many people these days make fake accounts and say they are someone they aren’t. The term is called catfishing. There is a T.V. show called Catfish and it’s about how people scam others out of money or love. This is an issue that will only get progressively worse due to the new technology that has been released and will be in the future. It’s hard to embrace being genuine online when there is a possibility the person you are talking to is not who they say they are. It requires being vulnerable and letting go of the need for validation. It can be rewarding when you know that someone you are communicating with online is actually who they say they are. It’s more important to be true to oneself than it’s to have so many followers. Embracing authenticity allows to foster empathy and inspire others. The only way someone can be real online is by being self aware and self accepting. It’s important to reflect on your values and being open to the idea of sharing with others. Vulnerability is required because if you can’t show your flaws or imperfections, you can’t create a genuine connection. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is how some of your strongest connections will be made. Being empathic and having compassion is another aspect of being real online. Everyone online is going through some challenge or problem. Approaching an interaction with kindness helps connect to a deeper level. I have experienced this with my friends and it has transformed not only my life but there’s too. I am inspired to create positive change in our digital world. Our culture prioritizes being perfect and performance but my space will allow individuals to come together and be themselves. 

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