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  • annayoung74

Growth and Support

Updated: Apr 4

I have a mission to empower individuals to connect in a real and personal way. My platform serves as more than just a way for people to connect virtually, it’s a community where individuals from all backgrounds can come together and create experiences and be there to support each other. I value having a space that is nurturing, which creates an environment where people can create meaningful connections and start on a journey of self discovery. I am focused on creating the connections through the communities shared interests and passions. It can be anything from loving to play tennis or working on emotional health, it’s a space where individuals who are like minded can come together and converse. I am offering a platform where there are features that will be designed to meet the overall needs. I believe hosting events and workshops and can provide people with a range of opportunities and experiences. I stand by commitment and authenticity and the brand represents these values too. Creating a supportive environment is important in order for people to be true to themselves and free from any judgment. By adapting to this ideal of openness, it creates a way for people to connect and grow on a personal level. I am passionate about my brand because I believe everyone deserves to have these type of connections in their lives. I have gone through some extremely traumatic events in my life, and if it wasn’t for my friends I have no idea where I would be. When my father passed away from terminal cancer, I found out who my true friends were. I will never forget the people who were by my side. They were there in times of need, and I have seen how it can transform someone’s life by having support. I want my platform to be a place where people can come together and grow. A world that is more connected and compassionate drives me to create authenticity. 

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